Monday, December 5, 2011

World Networks and Data

Here is a cool data visualization article on the people of the world and where they are all located!

"It’s just another reminder that while we fret about things like suburban sprawl, congestion, and pollution, solutions to these problems can’t just be focused on the West. Most of the people are on the other side of the world." 

It's always interesting to see data sprawled out on maps.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Network Analysis and Digital/Infographic Resume

How Social Networks and Analysis increase Brain Activity:

Another subject we talked about this week are Infographic digital resumes.  I have posted before how much I love Infographics because it organizes data in a beautiful, interesting, and easily understandable way! 
My idea for my infographic resume is to make it look like a magazine cover! But I cannot show you a picture until it is fully complete.
But this Facebook App actually made an infographic resume for me, check it out! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

PopTech Data Viz App

PopTech, with the help of Jana and the UN Global Pulse have created one of the best IPad data visualization app.

The app collects news on a timeline, even your personal information.
It shows the networks of the events on the timelines and how events are connected from one to the next, if there is a connection.
Than the information is also put into a global map of data (infographic) on how the world is re-balancing.  It shows how the world is connecting in ways it never has before.

The post below shows some pictures, but the only way I can write a better post about it through actually using the app.  It is very interesting though and will only progress in time. post:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

post campaign report

After a week of tests we began working on our post campaign report!
It's nice to finally wrap up the project and see everything coming together!
I've learned a lot and I am so glad everything is starting to make sense!

Sunday, October 30, 2011 The Data Issue

Since we are starting to transition into Data analysis and networks, I wanted to share this online magazine that I am actually quite obsessed with.  I look at it frequently because it covers all relevant topics of the world (business, culture, education, politics, design, etc.) but reports on all things "GOOD".  They publish a quarterly hard copy of the magazine and Fall 2011 is the Data issue.
The magazine has a lot of infographics, networks, etc. on data they have accumlated for their articles.  I would share it on the blog but since it is a hard copy it is a little hard, so here is the website of all their infographics: .  It is quite interesting.
Also, here is the online magazine of the data issue:


Monday, October 24, 2011

Crowdsourcing/Open Source- the new networks

Networking is widely known as connected and communicating with people to create relationships.  Now networking has transformed with crowdsourcing and open source networks.  People do not need to create relationships face to face, but through online platforms.  Although it does take out the "human" interaction aspect of things, this does allow for conversations to be start globally.  As a potential MIS major this is mainly what I want to be more involved with, the areas of cloud computing, crowdsourcing, and open sources.  I think this will change the way we interact, communicate, and most importantly learn.  It let's people read from other's taking away the barriers of emails.  It gives people across the globe access to ideas and relationships they would never have.